Usually parents enrol their children at day care for the purpose of providing them with early learning curriculum. While this is a major concern for most parents, it should be kept in mind that your child is not only going to do a bit of rote learning. While children are taught Basic English and math skills, they are also taught social skills. These social skills come in handy when it’s time for your child to enrol in kindergarten. The following are some of the things your child would learn at day care.
Learning through play
Assuming that playing is a waste of time is a major mistake most parents make. Time and again research has proved that children learn best while they are having fun. Making a child learn through playing is an important aspect of child care. Play is considered as the work of childhood, it allows children to discover themselves. It makes them realise their full potential all the while allowing them to build a specific identity of their own.
Playing is just not restricted to academics only, children learn social skills as well. The importance of team work and the desire to share their things and ideas are al inculcated I the child’s mind through different activities.
There is also scientific evidence which suggests that playing enhances brain activity and helps build stronger connections between the neurons in the brain. The nerve cells become stronger while a child is learning different things. Playing enhances that learning.
So why does playing have such a deep impact on your child. The following are a few reasons
- Playing is fun. It teaches children the art of choosing and making informed decisions. For example a group of children are playing tag. Each child aims at building a strategy. The best part is that it’s not a conscious process and rather an unconscious one.
- Playing aims to be child directed, especially in day care centers. Specific time is allotted to children of all ages to indulge in a bit of playing. Tis could be anything to hide and seek or a simple racing game.
- Children play with a number of objects like Legos and blocks. This help enhance a child’s motor skills. Children make different objects and learn to be creative on their own.
- A good child care program aims to develop the child’s social, intellectual, physical and emotional intelligence. When choosing a child care center in Cranbourne, make sure you choose one where your child learns all these skills.
Different activities at childcare
- Circle time. All children sit together in a circle and talk about different things. This is a great way of learning by sharing ideas. Story time is a part of circle time as well. Children learn from stories. Each story aims to inspire something in the child.
- Puzzles and blocks enhance fine motor skills and creative ability.
- Color and painting enhances creativity and also improves leaning abilities.